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Misr Al-Kheir Unit for Building the Capacities of Civil Organizations... A shining star in the sky of civil work

News Details

Aug 24, 2022

Wednesday 8/24/2022 At the end of 2019, the Misr El Kheir Foundation launched the “Misr El Kheir Unit to build the capabilities of civil society organizations to implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda,” which is a specialized technical support unit to support the efforts of Egyptian and Arab civil society organizations in achieving sustainable development. The mechanism and strategy of the Misr Al-Kheir Unit’s work is based on adopting an interactive, participatory education model based on knowledge and practice, reviewing and criticizing experiences, while working to strengthen internal governance mechanisms and applications, as well as working to encourage innovation in designing development interventions and linking them to sustainable development goals. The unit also seeks to work to find opportunities to develop cooperation and joint work between Arab civil organizations and to maximize the common role among them in facing local and regional development challenges. In order to achieve its goals, the unit seeks to open the door to cooperation and coordination with organizations concerned with the role of civil society organizations, whether they are governmental, civil society or international organizations, and to work on transferring distinguished experiences to Arab civil society organizations. The unit provides its various services through a number of specialized departments, which are: 1- Laboratory for developing the performance of civil society organizations. 2- Estidama Center for Training and Development Consultations. 3- Rwaq Egypt Vision 2030 Forum. 4- Misr Al Khair Award for Leadership in Charitable and Development Giving. 5- Guaranteeing and accrediting sustainable green NGOs. 6- Observatory for the Sustainability of NGOs. For more information about the unit and its sections, please visit the following link: To view the Tanmwy 2030 platform, please visit the following link: #Towards_sustainable_civil_work #Development_2030